Thursday, July 19, 2007

FINALLY - A finished project

Last year, some of my girlfriends introduced my to the world of scrapbooking. I never thought of myself as the creative type - my sister is the artistic one. She creates these beautiful works of art - paintings, picture frames, rocking chairs - you name it, she'll personalize it for you.
But I have discovered I do have a creative side. I love watching as the pieces and pictures come together into my own little work of art. Unfortunately, I have alot of ideas for projects without alot of time to finish those projects....I think I have about 6 projects that I have started, but not finished as of yet. Well, last night I was finally able to finish 1 project - wooden letters to hang in Andrew's new big boy room (new as of Feb/Mar of this year). I cannot wait to get these on the wall tonight!

1 down and 5 to go!


Me said...

They look awesome Amy. You did a grat job. Yeah, one project many to go??

Havalynn said...

Love them!! I can't wait to see his new big boy room.