Monday, April 14, 2008

A new dog in our future?

Last weekend, we dog-sat Palmer for Jen, Brandon and Alexa while they were at Disney. Andrew talked of nothing else for 2 weeks straight - Palmer was going to sleep in his bed, he was going to walk Palmer and play with Palmer. And we had to go to the pet store on Thursday to pick out a new toy and a bone for Palmer.

Friday, I picked Andrew up from Creme early and we went to go pick up Palmer to bring him to our house. In the car on the way home, Andrew decided that we should take Palmer on a long walk - good idea, right? We get home, get all of Palmer's gear settled in and get ready to go for a walk. Andrew is holding Palmer's leash when I open the garage door. Palmer takes off down the stairs, pulling Andrew who drops his leash (UGH!) - so now Palmer is loose and he's FAST! Fortunately, Palmer stops to investigate some smell in our yard, so I can capture his leash quickly. But man, what a way to start off this adventure!

After our rocky start, things settled down (as much as they can with a dog full of energy and a 4 1/2 year old boy). Andrew and Palmer played ALL DAY Saturday and Sunday except for when Andrew went to his Curiosity Zone class Saturday morning and even then Andrew did not want to go to the class since Palmer could not go with him.

I think Palmer might have been excited to go home on Sunday. He certainly had tons of attention over the weekend from Andrew - but that little guy probably needed a rest at some point and Andrew just did not give him a break! Later, Jen told me that Palmer slept all day Monday - a weekend with Andrew totally wore him out!

Now, is the Wood house going to increase by one with the addition of a puppy? Even though I think Andrew would like the concept of a dog. I don't think the Wood family is ready for a dog - there's a lot of work and attention involved and the current chaos of our household does not lend well to adding a new member - even if they are incredibly cute. However, Palmer can come for a sleepover anytime!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

HAHHAA!! We have it in writing that you will take Palmer at any time! So going to take you up on that! :)