Friday, August 17, 2007

Andrew's new best friend

When I picked Andrew up from school yesterday, he informed me that he has a new "best" friend. This is a bit surprising since Andrew's best buddy for as long as can probably remember is Matthew. Those two have been together since they were 8 weeks old. They are the cutest pair because Andrew is the gentle giant and Matthew is about 4 inches shorter but will take on anyone and everyone who challenges him.

So, who might Andrew's new best friend be?

Olivia! (pronounced by Andrew as Olibia). I guess I should have seen something like that coming. When I drop him off at school in the morning, his backpack MUST be next to Olivia's. Hmm, is this a preview of things to come???


Me said...

So cute. I showed Olivia the page and she proclaimed that Andrew is her best friend too. Ahhhh!

Jennifer said...

hee hee..Olivia and Andrew can get married and lex and Samuel :) Perfect. Let's start the arranged marriages now :)