Monday, August 6, 2007

It's not a party until someone gets hurt

All last week I was looking forward to Friday night. Four of my girlfriends and I had planned a night of girl time at TAG's house - complete with working on scrapbooking projects, wine, snacks and girl talk. Now, while we were all at TAG's house, three of the dad's were at my house for a little playgroup of sorts. The deal was that the guys were going to play cards on the porch while the kids watched movies and played in the family room - ha, ha - plans are made to be screwed up!

About an hour and a half into my girl's night, we get a phone call. Apparently, while showing off for Olivia and Alexa, Andrew has fallen off the couch and hit his head on the coffee table - and he's bleeding badly. The boys are divided on whether to take him to the ER but by some small miracle, they get the bleeding stopped and distract Andrew (and the girls) with an ice cream sundae. So, we spared Andrew a trip to the ER (poor little guy spent so many hours there as a baby with his earaches) - he just has a big ugly scrape on his head (and a goose egg) and a new appreciation of "no jumping on the couch"

Thanks Dan and Bran for helping Colin with the injured child and cleanup.

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