Thursday, August 9, 2007

Nana and Oz are moving

Last week, my mother-in-law called to inform us that they had a buyer for their house in Oakton - they are downsizing to a condo in Gainesville. They have a split foyer home built in the 1980's that sits off a pipestem and backs to parkland. It's been completely remodeled on the inside, but I still think it takes just the right kind of buyer to want an older house like that. And in the current real estate market where there are a TON of houses on the market, I feel like this is nothing short of a small miracle.
The buyer wants to go to closing on August 17th (next Friday) which means there is a flurry of activity to pack up the house and handle all the items on the buyer punch out list in the next week and half. And since they are downsizing, they have to get rid of some of the things in their house.
Tuesday night, Andrew and I headed over for dinner and to mark the items we want to be moved into our house. When we pulled up to my inlaws house, I noticed that there was a backhoe in the front yard. The house has a septic field which has to be inspected and emptied before the house can be released to the new buyer and Fairfax County had been over on Tuesday digging up the grass and such to inspect. Andrew apparently noticed the backhoe too, because from the back seat came: "Nana is SO cool - she has a BULLDOZER!"

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